Need an Alternative perspective? 

1:1 Mentorship for Beginner Copywriters

For new and aspiring freelance copywriters ready to kickstart or accelerate their career efficiently, by putting theory into practice.


If you're here, you're probably tired of pre-recorded courses and trying to figure out how to actually get in the real game and call yourself legit.

Did I tackle all the boxes to actually call myself a copywriter? 

What should I prioritize when starting my copywriting business? 

I hate social media, do I really need to be everywhere? 

What about clients? How and where to find them?

What niche to pick? Do I even need one?  

…shall I go on? 


When I first started my copywriting career, 

I knew I had the potential to make it,

Until the day I realized, that like anything else in life, is only 20% skills and 80% mindset. 

I was getting my hands on every possible freebie on the internet, signing up for more masterclasses I dare to admit, enrolling in paid and free courses, masterminds, mindset and business coaches, spending thousands of dollars in education. 

but I was so frustrated to see that despite my efforts, I just couldn't find the answer to literally “go next level”.
I was constantly comparing myself to GOATS in the industry (my therapist knows too well…) and this was simply crushing my self-esteem. 

Do I regret spending all that money? Absolutely not. 

In fact, it’s thanks to all of those courses and classes - on top of over 50 copywriting projects handled over the past few years - that you can now learn from my mistakes.

Today as a full-time copywriter, I work with clients I once had on my vision board, take time off without having to ask for it, have recurring projects coming in and enjoy life in Dubai, where I have lived since 2016. 


Not over here…

Imagine having a roadmap for your copywriting career, knowing which step to take next, guided by someone who gets it - because she’s been there herself.


I’m here to nurture your creativity and accelerate your growth.


As one of my core values, I’ll be open, transparent and I won’t gatekeep. If I know it, you’ll know it too.


Go big or go home right? We're not here to whisper; we're here to shout. Together, we’ll make sure your copy speaks volumes and doesn’t blend in. 

The no BS framework:


I’ll show you what works and what doesn’t, so you can clear your mind and relax, knowing you’ll learn only the juicy stuff.  





Here's what I promise as your copywriting mentor:

No Gatekeeping

Ask me literally anything from copywriting basics to setting up your own business, crafting your offer, finding clients, I won’t hold back. In fact, I might even answer to questions you didn't know you had!

No Fluff

This is far from your average course where you just sit and listen. Instead, I’ll cut right through the fluff and focus only on what's truly essential for becoming a successful copywriter.


Did you know that dopamine release leads to memory stimulation? Growing up, learning has always been something I “just had to do” and it was so boring. That’s why our sessions are gonna be value packed, with the (not so occasional) fun part to make those learnings stick in your mind. 

What I can't guarantee you, though, is that: 

You won't leave your soul-sucking 9-5 job

 10k, 20k, or any K months, because I give you the tools and strategies, but it's up to you to put in the work

The sudden urge to ask yourself “why didn’t I do this sooner”?! 

“Thanks to all the personalized feedback and support - I just felt like I had someone whispering you got this in my ear 24/7!”

Nipurna jadeja
Content Strategist & marketer

With 8+ years of experience in marketing, conversion copywriting and sales psychology, I bring to the table more than just the common (and frankly overused) frameworks and formulas to write “copy that converts”.

By joining the program, you’ll get what no self paced course could ever give you: the access to the BTS of a real hands on copywriting business.

We will work on whats holding you back from achieving your goals and get you call yourself legit without fear of finally charging your worth. 

So, what do you say? You in? 


I’m Valentina, your coach in this Copywriting Mentorship Program (well, a few clicks from here). 

Unfiltered opinions on the Copywriting Mentorship Program

Melissa Lo Stuto

Was the program up to your expectations?

“Are you kidding?! By the time I finished the mentoring, I was so confident in what I had learned and the progress I had made that I handed in my resignation at my full-time job to pursue freelance copywriting! 

Having you by my side throughout this journey was invaluable. You not only boosted my confidence in making such a significant career change but also thoroughly addressed all my questions and doubts throughout this crucial period.”


Unfiltered opinions on the Copywriting Mentorship Program

What’s the key takeaway from our time together?

“Definitely having a sharp and clear understanding of what it truly means to be a freelance copywriter. It's far more than just writing; it involves having a broader perspective on the entire career.”


Melissa Lo Stuto

Unfiltered opinions on the Copywriting Mentorship Program

Why did you choose a 1:1 program, and are you happy with your choice?

“Honestly, I was fed up with those courses that just teach you the same old techniques you can find anywhere. I wanted someone right there with me, to put all that theory into practice, answer my questions, and, most importantly, help me get my copywriting business off the ground and tackle any doubts whenever they popped up. 
And you have been exactly the mentor I needed, providing support that extends well beyond our one-on-one sessions!”


Melissa Lo Stuto

What you get:

  • (6) 90-minute 1:1 consulting call, each dedicated to a specific copy- or business-related topic

  • Custom action plan created for you based on your unique goals

  • UNLIMITED text access to me for follow-up questions, feedback requests, and general support 

  • Fully loaded Google Drive folder of copywriting resources, TAC digital products, discount codes, copy templates, copy questionnaire, and so much more.

How about some action, for a change?!

the process

Fill out the inquiry form

We’ll set up our intro call 

Custom curriculum

Be as specific as possible here, as this is the first step to help me understand if we are a good fit as a mentor-mentee and how I can help you best!

This is where we will deep dive into where you are now, where you WANT to be and what's holding you back from getting there. 

I will then create a custom action plan to work on your goals and keep you accountable throughout the process.

It’s go time, baby!

Over six weeks, we’ll focus on your biggest strengths and challenges. We’ll create a plan just for you and start taking steps toward your goals.

Not ready for a 6 session commitment? 

Grab the Intensive!
90 min 1:1 consultation call to ask me anything Copy, Brand Strategy and Freelancing related!

Get the intensive